Introduction to Tree - Data Structures & Algorithms 2016
In this lesson, we have described tree data structure as a logical model in computer science. We have briefly discussed tree as a non-linear hierarchical data structure, its vocabulary and applications.
Trees are Non Linear Data structure,where each item is connected to several other item in a hierarchical format.
Terminologies of trees
Root Node - Top Most Node in a tree.
Parent Node - if a Node has child it is called parent Node.
child Node - Child is a Node extended from another Node.
Leaf - Node with No child.
siblings - siblings are the node,belong to same parent.
Internal Node - Internal Node is a node with at least one child.
External Node - External node is a node with no child.
level of Node - is defined by 1 + No of connections between Node x & root.
Ancestars are like our parents,grand parents relationship.
descendants are like child,grand child relation ship
Internal Node is a node with atleast one child.
External Node is a node with no child.
subtree is a tree,where child belong to same parent.
Properties of a Node
Depth of a Node
Height of a Node
N= N -1 are explained.
Example for a tree is a binary tree.
Binary tree is a tree with 2 children.
Applications of tree are also explained.
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